Sunday, August 28, 2011

Free and Easy Tips to Lose Weight Without Buying Any Products

Drinking water
Wonder how drinking water can help you lose weight?
*Drinking water can aid the body to increase metabolism rate. This is why drinking water is recommend by other experts as well.
*Staying hydrated can decrease your craving for snacking. Your body does not tell you whether it is craving for food or fluid, so our general thought is that we must be hungry. So, the next time you are feeling hungry, try drinking water first. Then wait about 10 -15 minutes, you will find the craving for food disappear. Most of the time, it is water that your body really need.
*Drink more water can help you cut back on soft drinks. Imagine that if you have a can of soda everyday and each soda contain at least 100 calories, you will be consuming an extra 3000 calories every month.
If you are worried about water intoxication, you are generally safe as the kidneys is able to excrete about 1 liters of water every hour.
What is the guide for daily water intake? Drink 1 ounce of water(approximately 25ml) for every 2 pounds(about 1kg) of your body weight.

Eating smaller meals
So how do eating smaller meals help you lose weight?
*It helps by 2 ways. Often, if you eat till you are full. Chances are, you are already overeating. This extra food that you eat will then be keep until you have use it. Of course, if you did not use the calories you consumed, then it will be kept as fat.
*The other reason being, there are too many processed food around. Processed food tend to be 'complex' food, which require a longer time to break down. So, while you are eating, you look as the food though it got a small volume, it can be high in calories. Think about the calories between an apple and a serving of chips. The volume is roughly the same but the calories differs. This is why sometime we would feel bloated for as long as an hour if we have too much food.

Do not give in to food temptation
I know it is hard to resist some of your favorite food especially when you smell or see other people enjoying their food. I used to face this problem whenever my mum cook my favorite food but with proper meals planning, resisting to food temptation will definitely be easy as you get to have something to look forward to that you will really enjoy. Personally, I use a diet generator to generate my diet meals for 11 days, or 10 days, depending on the program that you want to get into.

Start taking action of getting into a slimmer you today by clicking here to start your 11 days weight loss program.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Easy and Fast Weight Loss Program Made For the Lazy

What is Fat Loss 4 Idiots? It is a fat loss program that claims losing 9 pounds every 11 days. It will show you the techniques to use to lose the extra pounds in the e-book and the diet generator that it provides.

It does not require you to go into any special meal that you need a lot of steps to prepare for it. But most importantly, it is effective. It shows you how you can lose fat by targeting your body mechanism to burn fat the most effective way.

By using this program, it does not matter how much calories you are consuming each day because your body will adjust to the changes according. What you want to burn is fat, NOT carbohydrate and protein. If you consume the right kind of food at the right intervals as provided by the program, you can be sure that you will see changes after the eleventh day. Losing weight got nothing to do what starving or exercising.

Why reducing our calories do not help us to lose weight? It is because your metabolism will adjust itself to burn the amount of calories that you consumed. This is why weight loss did not happen.

Fatloss4idiots can help you lose fat without buying any supplements to aid weight loss or restriction of food.

So, how can this program help you burn more fat? This program will show you by eating certain types of food, your brain release a hormones call fat burning hormones. Every time you eat something, 2 types of hormones will be released, and together they control Fat Burning and Fat Storage. The diet plan in this program will manipulates these hormones, so your body can produce more fat burning hormones while reducing fat storing hormones.

This diet system uses another technique called calories shifting. This mean the diet will give your body different types of calories each day and this will forces FASTER fat loss to happen. By knowing what types of food to eat at the correct intervals, your weight loss goal is bound to happen.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots About?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots can help you to achieve your ideal weight just by following 10 simple rules. 10 rules may sound like a lot of work to get you to your ideal weight. But remember, these 10 rules are easy to follow and it do not cause you more than an hour to implement them into you daily life.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not about getting into a low fat diet, nor it is about doing intense or long exercise to burn the fat. There are many different ways to lose the excess weight that you want. There are also many programs around that you get to choose so that you can find one that really fit you. I find this book particularity interesting as it do not share the same hype that we see on infomercial or other popular weight losing source. I will share with you some tips that I got from the book.

So how can Fat Loss 4 Idiots help you achieve your goal?
The number one rule it talks about is 'manipulating calories'. I guess not everybody share the same eating habit, which is why some people tend to gain weight while some does not seen to put on weight. You may have been eating the same stuff for lunch with your colleagues everyday, but what does matter is what other food they have at other part of the day. This particular rule will help you identify the food you need to eat to help you burns the extra fat.

Another rule you can find on page 8 will show how to achieve your weight loss simply by the selection of food. The selection of carb and protein food may vary and it does not require you to stick onto one food. You can have a variation of different food, but I find it easier to stick to one or two food so that I will not tend to overeat.

In the book, it will also share with you why even though there are a lot of fat-free products in the marketplace for a better alternatives of the same food, the obese rate in many developed countries are higher than the global average. Although fat-free products generally do not contain any fat at all, but the calories you get from the food are just slightly lesser as it do not eliminate a lot of calories to the diet, which is the reason that it is not helpful to consume fat-free products at all.

For more information about the ten rules in the Diet Handbook offered by Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you can click here to the website.

Beside offering some of the ten simple rules from Fat Loss 4 Idiots, it also mention why low carb diet is not good for health. The body need enough carbohydrate so that the body can repair itself best and providing you with energy require throughout the day. By reducing carb, you can be sure that you will not have enough energy to work through the day. This explained why labor intensive worker eat more than an office worker, but they are not overweight, or rather they do not look overweight at all.

Break up your meals whenever possible, always try to have four meals a day whenever possible, if you spaced out your meals correctly, you will not have to suffer any late night craving. Eating late at night do not have much benefits except that it helped to store fat if it happened too often. Spread out the amount of food evenly as having a smaller serving at one meal do not help to lose weight if you intend to have a bigger serving for another meal. The goal is to spread all the meals as evenly as possible, so there is no overeating or under-eating.

Losing weight is not genetics. It is about burning more calories than you take in each day. It's that simple. If you have bad genetics, you'll still lose weight, it will just take a little longer for you to reach your weight loss goals, that's all.

Weight loss is not as difficult as you think it is. Following these 10 rules and you will be on your way to your ideal body weight in no time. Click here to get Fat Loss 4 Idiots today.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why Fat Loss 4 Idiots Is NOT For You?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet program which claims to help you lose 9 pounds in 11 days. However, not everybody is the same. Some people may be contented to lose 4 pounds in just 7 days. There are various program you can choose from depending on how much weight you want to lose and the methods available.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a natural weight losing program that do not require any exercise except for some walking, unless you consider walking as a form of exercise.

Why Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not for you?
This program is not for you if you wish to have lots of information about weight loss even after you purchased it. The good thing about not receiving tons of information other than the program itself is that it get you to focus on just one program. There are other programs that continue to send you new products after you have purchased the one you need to offer you a better solution. If you are looking for products that offer you many information that bundle a lot of different information from exercising to burn fat, to low calories diet, then Fat Loss 4 Idiots is just not for you.

Although it might sound to absurd to be true to lose 9 pounds in 11 days, but do you think it is worth the try to lose some pounds in just 11 days given that it is backed by a 60 days guarantee.

So what is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program about?
It will talk about why low calories diet do not work (It is because your body will tend to save the calories so that your body will have enough energy to last till the end of day.), why low carb or low fat diet do not help you to lose the weight you always wanted.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots does not require you to buy any supplements to support this program, unless this is not the program you are looking for.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots will show you how the diet it implement can manipulate fat burning hormones which can result you to lose 9 pounds in 11 days.

Another technique it uses is calorie shifting. It is the secret that helps your body 'shift' the calories so that your body get 'confused' and begin to burns the extra fat tissues.

For more information about this program, you can click here.

How Fat Loss 4 Idiots can help you lose weight?

So how to Fat Loss 4 Idiots help you lose weight in just 11 days?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the popular and easiest to follow fat loss program. It contain three different type of program for you to choose from which offer you the flexibility to choose the one that you can find to suit you the most for its price, which is unlike other fat loss program that offer one type of program that you have to stick to it.

Program one: Diet Handbook
I find this handbook offer the fundamental of losing weight the easy way and casually as it stated, but you will have to stick to its rules. It offer a new dieting rule called "Manipulating Calories" which 'trick your body to burns fat fast, which result to losing 9 pounds in 11 days.

I find this program easy as it contain relevant information that makes the life of the dieter as simple as it could possibly be. You will also get to choose a variety of food that you want so that you will not be deprived of the food you want to eat, which makes losing 9 pounds in 11 days truly possible in your own rules and comfort of eating food without being restricted.

It does not require you to stick to certain preplanned food program that offered no flexibility. Sticking to a preplanned diet do not offer weight loss if you are not someone who can stick to a program strictly.

You get to eat 4 times a day, but do not overeat. As we all know, overeating is not unhealthy to the body as it does not promote weight loss, and more often than not, it caused us to be lethargic as your body will have to work harder to digest the food.

Program two: Diet Generator
The Diet Generator is an interactive web-based program that you can choose food from its list, just in case you have difficulty choosing food of the right type for your body. Diet generator offered the fastest solution to fat loss which you start the very next day. Considering that it is able to help losing 9 pounds in just 11 days, this program require you to stick strictly to the food plan.

Program three: Beyond Calories
Beyond Calories is a 10-day high speed diet. The reason it is able to help to lose weight is due to its 5 powerful dieting "principles". From its 4 food group, you can choose in any combination of the food you want from its 100+ menu. You will not be bore of this diet due to its variety, but the only hassle is, you have to purchase the items should you wish to add in the variety so that you will be motivated to continue the journey of losing weight.

The Good:
  • No intense exercises that you need to follow for those who do not have the time to exercise.  

  • Three different program(if you choose to get Beyond Calories as well) to choose from.

  • Food to purchase are available at all grocery store. 

  • Relatively cheap(39) as compared with other programs with many add-on.

  • Easy to follow.

  • 60 Day guarantee. 

The Bad:
  • You will have to prepare your own meals, preparing your own meal certainly make your meal as healthy as possible as compared to having to dine in restaurant which you have no control for the type of food (carbs, protein, fat) they use.

  • Lack of support, but can be make up for its 60 Day guarantee.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots programs are about eating the right type of food that helps you to lose weight in double fast time.

Click here to visit the website now.